Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Family Recipe Challenge

The wonderful hostesses of my Dwight bridal shower gave us a great gift: everyone at the shower brought a favorite recipe to fill this recipe book! We turned this gift into a challenge inspired by Julie and Julia: cook all of the recipes by our first anniversary.  

Recipe #1: Grandma Wells' Italian Spaghetti Sauce from Mom Flott
While it was one of my childhood favorites, I've never actually made Grandma's sauce. It's a fairly straightforward sauce, but with a couple of unusual ingredients including cinnamon and green olives (Grandma put them in anything she could think of). The Wells' are known for their sweet-teeth (sweet-tooths?), so no Wells recipe would be complete without some sugar.  It may sound like a strange combination, but I think Cort is a convert!

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