Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Funday

We got up early today, and went to the store.  The plan: cook up a storm.

The dish we attempted was a Cooks Illustrated Chicken Pot Pie...

Here's Amy, chopping onions and celery...

 ...and here she is, up close.

Browning some chicken thighs 

 Putting together the vegetable and cream.

 At this point, we got thirsty... it was Negroni time.

 After a break, we broke out the Staub...

 ...and loaded them up.

 Ready for the oven!

 Piping hot, and ready to eat!

 Top view.  Please excuse the Pillsbury biscuits - we won't tell if you don't...

They were delicious!  Super easy and super tasty.  The best part?  Leftovers!

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